Dog breeds and breeding have been around for donkey's years and it’s no surprise that variations, mixes and new breeds have evolved. Before anyone can remember dogs have been selectively bred to create idealistic breeds that fit the requirements needed by humans. Each of those breeds has specific details and characteristics that make them excellent for their purpose, which could range from retrieving to hunting to companionship.
It’s so important as an owner to understand what your dog may need in order to keep them happy. Learning from your dog, breeder and other research sources enables you to understand their characteristics, drives, and triggers, as well as understand their likes and dislikes. From there you can provide varying and appropriate stimuli that will keep your dog mentally and physically stimulated.

Your dog could have a completely different set of innate behaviours to that of your friend or neighbour’s dog and the quicker you can understand your pup the more fun.
Let’s give an example.
Nava (my dog), is a Norfolk Terrier. She is a pedigree breed and the breed was recognized in 1932. Back then, their key job was ratting. Norfolk's would patrol farms and fields and catch rats to keep them at bay.
This was quite similar to other terrier breeds so Nava has an innate behaviour to sniff between objects, weed out the rats and chase them. This is very evident when we come across squirrels in Victoria Park…thankfully squirrels are much faster and more nimble than Nava but sadly for Nava, they always will be the pesky squirrels.
Because of this, I have tailored certain games or walks to facilitate this, to give her the opportunity to display this natural behaviour. Her favourite game? Hide the squeaky ball in the sofa and get her to find it based on smell and sound.
I have also learnt quickly that Nava isn’t one for playing with other dogs, it’s never really interested her so playing these mind games and using her nose and ears is what she loves doing. So don’t take it personally if you bump into us and Nava ignores your dog, she is most likely looking for a squirrel…or food.
Learning these things about your dog really can make such a difference to both your lives and it’s also such a wonderful feeling watching your dog do what they do best. If your dog digs holes (where they are not supposed to) give them a designated sand pit. If your dog loves herding, get them a herding ball. The options are endless!
But, if you don’t find a product out there for your dog please let us know. I would love to hear about any experiences you have had where you would love to have a specific product perfect for your dog.